Friday, February 15, 2019

Prince of Peace


I do not know about you, but this sounds really good to me.  Being able to rest in the stillness and quiet for just a minute.   No distraction, no worries, no complaints, just you and the Prince that takes all of that away.  Wouldn't it be amazing if you could take the feeling that you have during your devotional time with God and carry it throughout the day?  To hold it in a bucket or tuck it into your shirt pocket and pull it out when you need it.  A hectic day at work, dip into it a little.  Kids stressing you out, dip in a little more.  A miscommunication with your spouse that causes conflict, a little more.  Car accident, dip again. 

I feel that peace is a voluntary state of mind.  One that you can choose to hold on to or let go of.  Peace is different to everyone.  I, for one, dislike the sound of a splashing fountain or man-made waterfall.  Even one that looks natural.  Others like to have one of these in their home or office.  Different things for different people.  

Christ is the Prince of Peace.  When you come closer to becoming a man of God, this feeling of peace comes from Him.  Choosing to focus on Him and what He has done for you will grant a calming spirit to fall on you.  Just like counting your blessings builds a greater appreciation of what God has done for you, and the more often you do, the easier it gets.  Ergo, the more that you focus your mind on Christ, the easier it becomes.  Try it now.  Force your mind to focus on Christ and his Peace.  Deep breath.  Expel from your mind all thought of worry, of weariness, of anger and shame.  Give Him the loss of control that you feel and the expectations that others have on you.  Focus on Him.  Exhale.  Feel His Peace.

Dang, that was hard.  But do you feel better?  Yes.  This can be done between breaths.  Your mind is quick and nimble and can jump over a candlestick (Just like Jack).  Throwing out all of those negative thoughts and feelings makes us feel lighter.  It allows us to empty ourselves in order to be filled up with His Spirit and Peace.  Again, this is something that you can choose to do, once or twice a day, or to do it continually.  I feel that when we seek His face and come closer to Him, we can have this peaceful feeling more and more and it gets easier and easier to cast out all of the thoughts and feelings that are not from Him.  

Inhale, find His Peace, exhale, repeat. 

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