I get tired. Tired of fighting for a living. Of scrapping by and longing for peace and rest. Tired of fighting a system that was supposed to be designed to help children that are broken. Tired of seeing men who need to be more for themselves and their families, but are unwilling to do something about it.
There are so many things in this world that need to change. However, there are only a few men who are willing to stand up and make those changes. I want to increase that number. I want to hold men accountable to what they are needing to do. I want this world to be better, the men to be better and by extension, our children to be better.
I know that we are tired. Life runs us down and fills us with aches and pains at a young age. But we have to press on. We cannot leave it to others to do because it will not get done. Delegating this type of thing will make the situation worse. It is how we got here in the first place. "Someone else will do it" is not the answer. We have to step up and not only run the race, but finish the race. 2 Timothy 4:7 Paul not only ran the race, he states, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." He finished the race. Now it does not say that he finished it at a dead sprint, or even at the same pace he started. But he didn't give up.
Father, I thank you for all that You have done for the people reading this. I thank you for the specific blessings that you have bestowed on us. I ask a blessing to come upon all those who are tired and needing peace and rest. I ask that we can become world changers and by our faith in You we can make the devil tremble. In Jesus' Name, amen.